Sunday, May 1, 2011

going going gone

going going gone
i tell you
i feel it
in my body
in my bones
the ravages of time
capsuled in flesh
held together
by skin

going going gone
i tell you
i feel it
the will fading
the life spirited
away day by day
moment to moment
leaving for now
the soul

going going gone
i tell you
i feel it
stories emerging
of  a life coming
to a hurried end
stories be told
and heard

going going gone
i tell you
i feel it
shadows converging
as i breathe the breath
that animates me
telling me still
I live

Going going gone
I tell you
I feel it
drowsy surrender
peaceful sleep welcome
embrace me now
lulling my thoughts
i leave

going going gone
I tell you
i feel it.